Nephrology deals with medical disorders of the kidney. A clearcut knowledge of renal functions is very important, since the kidneys handle the functions of waste product removal, maintenance of electrolyte balance and fluid balance of each individual. In addition, the kidney also serves various endocrine functions. Diseases of the kidney results in accumulation of waste products, electrolyte abnormalities and fluid accumulation, all of which can have deleterious on every other organ system of the body.

Prevention and prompt treatment of renal diseases early is extremely important, since vast majority of these diseses are progressive and can significant social and financial burden for the family and society.

List of Doctors
Sl.NoNameDesignationQualificationDate of Joining
1Dr. John A GProfessorMBBS, MD, DM,DNB07 May 1998
2Dr. Shyam Shankar VarmaAssistant ProfessorMBBS, MD, DM05 October 2015
3Dr. Sachin SasidharanAssistant ProfessorMBBS, MD, DM01 February 2024
OP Timing

Nephrology out patient department function daily from 10 AM to 4 PM.

History of Department

The department was started in 1998 under Dr. A. G. John, who had been working in Christian Medical College, Vellore.

In 1998, the dialysis unit had three haemodialysis machines. The unit takes care of patients with Acute Renal Failure who require dialysis till recovery and End Stage Renal Disese patients who require maintenance haemodialysis. The unit also takes care of patients who require plasmapheresis and poisoning. The unit at present has 18 haemodialysis machines and functions round the clock and is fully geared up to handle any emergency at any time with the presence of trained dedicated staff.


The Department aims to impart practical knowledge to interns and psot graduates who are posted in the unit.

Two Post Graduates doing M.D in General Medicine, who come for one month, attend dailly rounds, present cases and all nephrology topics are covered by presentations done every day. Post Graduates from Department of Opthalmology, Emergency Medicne and Transfution Medicine also are posted in the unit.

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